Quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History, il periodico della Fondazione CDEC, ha lanciato una nuova call for papers dedicata al tema “Animals and Environment in Jewish Thought and Literature”.
«The guest editors of Quest Issues in Contemporary Jewish History – Journal of the Fondazione Cdec are encouraging researchers from the field of Jewish studies, Jewish philosophy and Jewish and Modern Hebrew Literature to submit abstracts on a topic of their choice related to the issue of animals and the environment.
Starting from Cicero’s renowned question “For whom shall we say the world has been created?” (De natura deorum, II, 53, 133), this call for papers aims first and foremost at outlining a status quaestionis about the reception and influence of ecocriticism and animal studies in the field of Jewish studies and Jewish and Modern Hebrew Literature, with a view to re-read and re-interpret ancient as well as modern and contemporary texts in the light of these theories».
Le candidature sono aperte fino al 30 ottobre 2021.
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